Submit Your Work
Please thoroughly read our submission guidelines below before submitting your entire manuscript.

We Are Now Accepting Works Of Poetry and Children's Books!
Please email us a cover letter introducing yourself (name, age, occupation and where you are based) as well as the first 20 pages of your work in a Word Doc or PDF File to
Or you can directly attach your work via the submissions form above. Please feel free to also visit the ‘Why Us’ page here.
Please note that we currently only specialize in publishing poetry and children’s books! Due to a high number of submissions, if your work is successful, it will take approximately 30 days for us to get back to you. If successful, a contract will be signed where we require a down payment of $50 USD to proceed. This payment covers initial contract costs and makes sure we have serious candidates on-boarded. Please be aware, no publisher should ever ask for a payment for your book to hit the shelves! Nor should you be consistently paying anyone to publish your work. Please feel free to contact us should you have any questions.
Please do not send your entire manuscript. This is a competitive journey and how you read and follow our guidelines has a major impact on our decision!
Thank you!